What we do
The Department of Planning and Evaluation prepares Medium-term Plan, Annual Implementation Plan and Annual Budget for the Institute, in accordance with the regulations in the Act. The Department is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the plans in relation to the attainment of the aims of the Institute as well as the Faculty and Divisional level operational objectives.
Management Assistant - I
Management Assistant - I
Office Aide – III
Helps cultivate in a child a deep appreciation for the beauty that surrounds them. It helps build a sense of proportion, harmony and beauty with the surroundings as well as higher-order emotions. Plato regarded education as an indispensable part of education in a free man. education is expressed in terms of visual representations, movements, sounds, verbal expression, etc assists in the development of the child’s sensitivity and the child’s personality development. Modern pedagogy empirically proves that each child should have the opportunity to develop their ability to observe, experience, evaluate and create that which is beautiful. This can only be achieved if we offer children a healthy living environment and an active artistic education. It is towards this goal that we strive to teach our future citizens to appreciate and contribute to the rich diversity of nature, culture and heritage of this country.
Director, Department of Planning & Evaluation